
Worship is central to our life at Christ Church. Through worship we gather together to encounter the sacred and to find spiritual food for the week ahead. Look below to find links to learn more about our Sunday Schedule, what to expect on a Sunday morning, worship in the Episcopal Church, or our weekday worship offerings.

Come to Sunday Worship!

We offer weekly Sunday worship at 8:00 and 10:00 am. Click the button below to learn more.

What to Expect on a Sunday Morning

If you are new or a first time visitor, then this page is for you.

Worship in the Episcopal Church

Episcopalians have a vision for worship grounded in over 470 years. To learn click the button below.

Weekday Opportunities for Worship

Morning Prayer and Compline come out of monastic tradition and offer a contemplative alternative for communal prayer.


Preaching is a integral part of worship. Click below for an archive of previous sermons.